Nogales International, Nogales, AZ May 28, 1938. Page 2
Hundreds At Funeral Of Ramon Ramirez
One of the largest attended funerals here in many years was that of the late Ramon Ramirez, prominent 46-year-old owner of the Ramirez Money Exchange, who died Saturday following a six weeks siege of pneumonia, and an operation.
The well known man was laid to rest in the Nogales cemetery, at the conclusion of services held at the Ramirez home at Camp Little, and at Sacred Heart Church.
Mr. Ramirez is survived by his widow, two sons, a daughter, and several brothers and sisters. He was a member of the Knights of the Pythias lodge. The Ramirez family is a prominent border pioneer family.
Arizona Republican Newspaper, September 24, 1904
Nogales: During a drunken row yesterday morning at a very early hour, Jesus Maria Rolles, a Mexican was murdered by a fellow companion and several hours afterward his body was found in an arroyo just north of the city limits. Sheriff Turner is in possession of sufficient facts as to place the horrible at the hands of a well known Mexican in this vicinity but will not diclose the name until after the arrest has been made. Judge Ashley impaneled a jury today but postponed the inquest until tomorrow at which time it is expected the sheriff will have made the arrest of the murderer.
Nogales International, March 15, 1941 Page 3
Death Takes Ernest Speed, County Pioneer. Funeral services were held Monday at Black Oak cemetery near Canille for Ernest Speed, 85, very interesting pioneer of this county, who died Saturday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Mark Turney, in Rain Valley near Elgin. Death wasdue to infirmities of old age. Mr. Speed, former Kentucky real estate man, who had resided in Arizona 27 years, was born at Madisonville, Ky., July 30, 1855. He at one time practised dentistry there. His wife, Mrs. Minnie Morton Speed, died in 1914.
Arizona Daily Star, November 5, 1914. Page 8
BODY DRAGGED FOR HOURS AFTER DEATH. Skull Crushed and Arm and Leg Broken When Body Is Found. That Mrs. Minnie E. Speed had been dragged about for a number of hours following her death, and mutillated in a shocking manner was the news contained in a formal report made by a dozen of the woman's neighbors living near Elgin, who formed the searching party that discovered her body, Sunday evening at 10 o'clock, still trailing behind the wandering horse and cart. According to the report, Mrs. Speed left her home about 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon to go and find a missing milch cow. She got the mail at a neighbor's, T. H. Pegram's, and after that nothing more was heard from her until the searching party found her body. The theory of the neighbors is that she fell from the cart while getting in and was caught between the shaft and the body of the cart. When found her body was cold, showing that she had been dead for some time. Her neck was broken, as well as an arm and limb, and in addition her skull was horribly crushed. Evidently the horse had continued to drag her about. She is survived by a husband, who is a rancher living in that vicinity. She was about 50 years of age. No inquest will be held by Coroner Comstock as the report submitted to him covers all the details of the case.
Arizona Republican Newspaper, March 27, 1903
Yesterday O.C. Parker of the Tucson Undertaking Parlors received a dispatch to prepare for the reception of an interment of the remains of H.B. Smith who died at Columbus Ohio yesterday, where he had gone for medical treatment. The deceased was for a long time a resident of Nogales and was one of the early pioneers of Tucson, having come here in the sixties. Mr. Smith was the father of Marcus D. Smith and brothers who are conducting the Cananea Herald and Mrs. W.P. Field. He was an old soldier, a member of the G.A.R., also of the Independant Order of Odd Fellows.
The Arizonian, August 18, 1859 (Santa Cruz County AZ Archives Obituaries)
Office Sonora Exploring & Mining Co., Tubs, Feb 10 1859: John Streit, was killed in a rencontre with one Antonio Eilsner, on the 25th of December, 1858. Both persons were in the employment of this company. Streit was a German by birth, aged about 30; he was a cabinet maker by trade and at the time of his death "head carpenter" of the company. His family yet reside in Germany but he is said to have relatives living near San antonio, Texas. His friends can learn the particulars of his death, and his legal representatives can obtain the amount due him, on application to: S.H. Lathrop, Director of the Mines, Tubac.
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