Nogales International, Nogales, AZ January 28, 1939. Pag 2
Death Takes Pioneer Woman
Mattie Riggs Johnson passed away Thursday morning at St. Marys hospital in Tucson where she had been ill for two months.
Born near Pikes Peak, Colorado, in 1872, she came to Dos Cabezas, Arizona with her parents, James and Elizabeth Riggs, by ox teams when she was three years old, having several narrow escapes from the Indians who were very active at that time.
Later she moved to Tucson where she lived for several years. Then back to cattle ranching which she has followed to the present time, owning and operating a registered Hereford cattle ranch at Canille in the Huachuca Mountains.
She was a member of the Pioneer Historical Society and very much interested in preserving records and traditions of early Arizona History.
Mrs. Johnson is survived by her son J. L. Finley of Dragoon, Arizona, two sisters, Florence R. McGregor and Elizabeth R. Hinson of Tucson, and other relatives.
Burial will be in the Oak cemetery on her ranch near Elgin, Sunday, January 29th, at 2:30 P. M.
Nogales International, Nogales, AZ March 13, 1937. Page 2
Funeral services were held at Patagonia Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Father L. Duval officiating, for the late Mrs. Mary Kane, 75, who died Sunday morning at the home of her eldest daughter, Mrs. Ida Eperson, in Tucson.
Born at Santa Cruz, Sonora, a few miles east of Nogales before it was known just where the international line divided the United States and Mexico, she was a member of one of the earliest families of this part of the Southwest.
Her father, Thomas Gardner, was one of the colorful characters of early days in Arizona. She spent her girlhood days on ranches, in mining camps and forts and as a little girl, she knew the horror of Indian war. She was the widow of James Kane, Patagonia rancher.
Father in Gold Rush
The father, one of the thousands attracted to California by gold in 1849, later came to Arizona. He was a miner, cattleman and sawmill operator. In 1861, he married Gertrude Apodaca of Santa Cruz.
Mrs. Kane is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Harry Brann of Marsh Heights, Nogales; Mrs. Ida Eperson of Tucson, Mrs. Howard Chapman of Tucson, Mrs. Mary Wilson of Burbank, California, and three sons, Henry, Joe and Roberts Kane all of Patagonia.
In 1926 she wrote a series of articles telling of the pioneer days and incidents of the lives of members of her family. These were presented to the Arizona Pioneers Historical society.
Arizona Republican Newspaper, December 6, 1909
Santa Cruz - Robert Kelly, a lineman was killed by an electric shock while endeavoring to repair a lighting circuit which had been damaged by storm. He received 23,000 volts an the storm played havoc with wires.
Border Vidette, Nogales, AZ March 9, 1918. Page 3
William N. Lester Suffers Storke of Paralysis and Dies.
William Noah Lester, well known pioneer citizen of Nogales, was striken with paralysis at his home on Elm street last Friday.
He was immediately taken to St. Joseph's hospital where everything possible was done to save his life which from the first was despaired of, on account of the advanced age of the stricken man, who was 73 years old.
He passed away Wednesday morning, his son, W. A. Lester, of California, who with his wife, arrived Tuesday, being at his father's bedside when the end came.
The funeral was held yesterday from Marsh's undertaking parlors, interment being in the Old Fellows cemetery. A large number of friends, many of whome had known "Bill" Lester since his coming to Nogales more than twenty years ago, followed the remains to their last resting place.
Since coming to Nogales, deceased had engaged in the business of contracting and building. He was a stone mason by trade, and was highly respected by all.
Deceased is survived by two sons, G. R. and W. A. Lester, of California; three brothers, George W., Thomas and Jesse Lester, and two sisters, Hattie and Anna.
In their loss they have the sympathy of this community, where their father and brother was well known and well liked, for many years.
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